Source: An Era of New Responsibility, Office of Management and Budget, 2-26-09
Yes, that's purchase of more than $55 billion during the week of February 12th. This kind of aggressive action fits the model begun by the interest rate slashing and other credit lines and purchase programs created by the Fed within the past year.
GDP growth began to slump and unemployment began to rise in 2007 and saw rapid change in 2008. The FOMC predicts that 2009 will be worse by both measures but that growth will increase in 2010. The Fed is careful to state that while its new data should inform policy that "
Considerable uncertainty attends these projections, however."
In fact, predicted ranges widen as the figures head out toward 2011.
The new release is part of an effort, stressed in a speech today by Chairman Bernanke, to improve transparency at the Federal Reserve. Commented Bernanke,
But, as I have discussed today, we will do more on this front, both expanding the information we provide and improving how we communicate that information. Increased transparency is the best way to demonstrate that the Federal Reserve's nontraditional policies are well conceived, well managed, and produce substantial public benefit.
This plan is to include a new website to the slew of websites already being added to the government rolls, recovery.gov, financialstability.gov, among others.